Among the countless gemstones of the world,
A warm familiarity is felt for your birthstone.
This special jewel, determined for you at the moment of your birth,
Said to offer protection
And bring happiness to its wearer.
All carefully selected through Ryui's unique vision:
From unique loose stones,
To more classic shapes
In simple designs to blend into your everyday life…
We are pleased to offer a wide variety of birthstone jewelry
In which a special power dwells.

Birthstone -January-
Japanese name:柘榴石
Main regions of production:India, Sri Lanka, others
Mohs scale hardness:6.5-7.5
Crystal system:Cubic
Language of gems:Truth, Friendship
A symbol of fruitfulness and prosperity, garnets have enjoyed over 5000 years of use as gemstones in human culture. Garnets are often thought of as a reddish-brown color, but in fact they may be found in a variety of colors, including colorless, green, orange, and black. Garnets are said to possess purifying powers that balance the energy of the mind and body.

Japanese name:紫水晶
Main regions of production:Brazil, Africa, others
Mohs scale hardness:7
Crystal system:Trigonal
Language of gems:Sincerity, Contentment, Love
Valued as a symbol of nobility, in ancient times amethyst was permitted to be worn only by those of high status, such as clergy. Amethyst is said to draw positive energy to its wearer, and boasts a noble purple color, the brilliance and depth of which absorbs the viewer.

Birthstone -March-
Japanese name:藍玉
Main regions of production:Brazil, Nigeria, others
Mohs scale hardness:7.5~8
Crystal system:Hexagonal
Language of gems:Intelligence, Courage
Named for its clear blue color, aquamarine means “sea water” in Latin. In Roman mythology, aquamarine was known as the stone of Diana, goddess of the moon. This gemstone symbolizes the ocean, the source of life, and brims with a dewy freshness. There are many beautiful myths and legends surrounding it, such as “the tears of a mermaid, in love with a sailor, turned into aquamarine.”

Japanese name:金剛石
Main regions of production:Russia, Botswana, others
Mohs scale hardness:10
Crystal system:Cubic
Language of gems:Integrity, Purity
Known as the hardest gemstone on earth, diamonds possess the meaning of “forming a strong bond.” There are no other substances in nature that can scratch this gemstone. Just as a diamond continues to shine forever, it is believed the wearer will be blessed with shining beauty and financial prosperity, as well as a loving family.

Birthstone -June-
Japanese name:翠玉
Main regions of production:Columbia, Brazil, others
Mohs scale hardness:7.5~8
Crystal system:Hexagonal
Language of gems:Happiness, Sincerity
One of the world's four great precious stones, emeralds are mentioned in the papryri of the ancient Egyptians, prized by them as “symbols of fertility and life.” As a stone symbolizing life and regeneration, it is known for great healing powers and has been used in medical treatments since ancient times.

Japanese name:金緑石
Main regions of production:Brazil, Russia, others
Mohs scale hardness:8.5
Crystal system:Orthorhombic
Language of gems:Nobility, Passion
Alexandrite is a rare gemstone that displays changing hues depending on the light. Due to this dual nature, alexandrite said to have the power to control the inner Yin and Yang energies. It is also known as the guardian stone of the Gemini constellation, and is also given as a gift for the 45th wedding anniversary.
Japanese name:月長石
Main regions of production:India, Sri Lanka, others
Mohs scale hardness:6~6.5
Crystal system:Monoclinic
Language of gems:Health, Happiness, Prosperity
In ancient India, moonstone, with its mysterious glow, was worn by priests as a “sacred stone in infused with moonlight.” It is characterized by the Schiller effect, a soft bluish-white or rainbow-colored shimmer that appears to shine from the depths to the surface of the stone. In addition to being known as a gemstone symbolizing women, recalling a harmony with the waxing and waning of the moon, it has also been cherished since ancient times as a gemstone that illuminates the road at night to protect travelers.

Birthstone -July-
Japanese name:紅玉
Main regions of production:Myanmar, Sri Lanka, others
Mohs scale hardness:9
Crystal system:Trigonal
Language of gems:Passion, Charity
With its history in human culture longer than that of diamonds, the name for rubies comes from the Latin word “ruber,” meaning red, and this vivid color has ensured its value as a gemstone that enhances "life force" since ancient times. The 40th wedding anniversary is known as the "Ruby Anniversary,” and this gemstone enjoys popularity as a wedding anniversary gift.

Japanese name:橄欖石
Main regions of production:Myanmar, U.S.A., others
Mohs scale hardness:6.5~7
Crystal system:Orthorhombic
Language of gems:Happiness, Harmony, Peace
With a bright, positive gleam reminiscent of sunlight, peridot is also called the “stone of the sun.” Its Japanese name is “Kanran Stone,” named after an evergreen tree for its fresh greenish color. Like the presence of the sun itself, this gemstone has long been popular as a mood stabilizer that brings peace to the mind and body.

Birthstone -September-
Japanese name:蒼玉
Main regions of production:India, Myanmar, others
Mohs scale hardness:9
Crystal system:Trigonal
Language of gems:Sincerity, Compassion, Virtue
One of the three great colored gemstones along with ruby and emerald, sapphire is best known for its vivid, refined blue color, but this charming gemstone is found in an astonishingly wide range of colors. It is also said to be a "philosopher's stone" that increases the perception and wisdom of the wearer.

Japanese name:電気石
Main regions of production:Brazil, U.S.A, others
Mohs scale hardness:7~7.5
Crystal system:Trigonal
Language of gems:Generosity, Purity
A vivid gemstone found in an unparalleled range of colors, tourmaline is said to posses all the colors, including bicolor and multicolored varieties. A newer gemstone discovered in relatively modern times, it has nonetheless been used for rituals, prayers, and fortune-telling, and is prized as a gem to ward off evil spirits.
Japanese name:蛋白石
Main regions of production:Australia, Mexico, others
Mohs scale hardness:5~6.5
Crystal system:Amorphous
Language of gems:Luck, Hope
An opal's most charming characteristic is its “play-of-color” effect, in which rainbow-like flecks of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue shimmer and change depending on the angle of the light. Popular in Japan and China since ancient times, it is called “protein stone” as its whitish color recalls the white of a chicken’s egg. It is said to have the power to dispel darkness and bring light, known as a “gemstone that brings good luck” in many countries.

Birthstone -November-
Japanese name:黄玉
Main areas of production:Brazil, Pakistan, others
Mohs scale hardness:8
Crystal system:Orthorhombic
Language of gems:Friendship, Hope, Success
Cherished in ancient Greece and Rome as a symbol of the sun and fire, topaz is believed to grant the power to make connections and lead events in a good direction. One theory about its etymology is that the name comes from the Greek word “topazos,” meaning “to seek.” This gemstone is found in a variety of colors such as colorless, blue, pink, and orange.

Japanese name:灰簾石
Main region of production:Tanzania
Mohs scale hardness:6~7
Crystal system:Orthorhombic
Language of gems:Nobility, Serenity
Discovered in the 1900s, tanzanite is a relatively new gemstone. The name is given only to stones mined in Tanzania. Its deep, mysterious blue glow captivates the gaze of the wearer, and as a symbol of mystery and eternity, it is said to impart the wisdom of our ancestors, and possesses power to kindle the imagination.
Japanese name:瑠璃
Main regions of production:Afghanistan, Chile, others
Mohs scale hardness:5~6
Crystal system:Cubic
Language of gems:Love, Luck
Lapis lazuli, with its deep blue color tinged with purple, has been valued as an amulet since the times of ancient Egyptian civilization, as a gemstone that wards off evil spirits. The softness of its color, as if wrapped in night itself, is full of enchantment. The Dutch painter Vermeer famously used blue paint made from lapis lazuli.