Unknown knowns

2023 - Collection Unknown knowns

Future becomes the past 
And a new future is made
And so my own self that is ever-changing
In this way is one constant self
Embracing the “whys,”
Building on the past self
To become myself, made new.


Why are we born small and helpless
Why do we have a body that with time, matures and then ages
Why is the heart connected with the body as long as it lasts
Why do we live on the cusp of history, unable to see anything but the past?

Changing with time, the body,
Knowledge, experience, and chance
All work to change the heart too
And create the future

That future becomes the past
And a new future is made

And so my own self that is ever-changing
In this way is one constant self
Embracing the “whys,”
Building on the past self
To become myself, made new.

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